
  • Organize and prioritize the development of new features
  • Guide strategic code changes for performance and multi-physics
  • Nurture the broader Akantu’s community by organizing workshops and discussions

Committee Members

Prof. Jean-François Molinari
Head of the Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory at EPFL
Prof. Katryn Beyer
Head of the Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Laboratory at EPFL
Prof. David Kammer
Head of the Computational Mechanics of Building Materials Laboratory at ETH
Professor Tobias Schneider
Head of the Emergent Complexity in Physical Systems Laboratory at EPFL

Support team

Dr. Guillaume Anciaux
Technical Advisor
Dr. Nicolas Richart
Technical Advisor
Shad Durussel
Community Manager
Roxane Ferry
Community Manager

Members rights and obligations

The members of the steering committee meet regularly to discuss and decide on the future development of Akantu. They are also entitled to direct and personalized support from the Akantu team to help them with code usage and development.
To join the steerring commitee, financial support to the development team behind Akantu is required. If you are interested in joining us, please contact akantu@akantu.ch .